Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog #7

 Why did so many people become early adopters? Why are some people late adopters? Or not adopters at all? 

There is a point in time where adoption requests reach what we call critical mass, basically meaning high in demand or too much to bear. Because of this, most people become early adopters, to skip the wait and get what they want. Others say that becoming late adopters is a better option, trying to catch whatever remains.

What about the downsides — do you see any negative consequences in the technology? For example, why am I not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media? 

If you are not on social media, it is considered a major hindrance. Having any form of media within your group of adopters keeps you up to date on any recent or sudden events. However, this can also easily be used to spread misinformation and lure other adopters into a trap.

Being an adopter means you must be ready to take any opportunity that presents itself. When you see something that could potentially support you and your group, you must man up and take the chance.

Why might I have made that choice for myself? And how would I benefit if I did? Would the positive outweigh the negative? How do you weigh that cost-benefit analysis with a new communication technology?

When choosing for yourself in terms of adopters, there are only a slight number of positives. Sure, your personal wealth may grow, but that is about it. When shared with the rest of the group, you gain reputation, status and money. Honestly, it is not worth it to pick the rewards for yourself.

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