Friday, October 7, 2022

Blog #11

One of the terms that I really zeroed in on was Gatekeeping, which means "withholding products or information from others." This term has been thrown around a lot for the past few years, and from anyone's perspective it can bee seen as an unfair principle. This type of behavior has been labeled many things, few of them being positive terms.

It was most relevant around 2020 and 2021, when everyone was at each others throats over politics and celebrity news. While it is not as relevant today, it still poses a major threat to all businesses and social groups. These toxic behaviors have been know to shut down corporations in weeks, and there seems to be no solution to this problem.

However, according to this article, gatekeeping may not be as bad as they say. Keeping information from others may actually help them, and the article uses a pretty good example of this.

"If we just slightly shifted our view of what gatekeepers actually do — protect rather than guard — then suddenly gatekeeping becomes less like an iron fist and more like a safety blanket, a shield between the object and the potential harm of external forces."

All we need to do is use something that people have been using for bad purposes and flip it on its head. We don't get this chance very often, as these behaviors are known to not be easily changed. But, now that we have this opportunity, we must take it.

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