Friday, October 7, 2022

Blog #10 

In 2016, the world champion of the popular board game "Go", Lee Sedol, was challenged to a duel by an AI created by Google. It was known as ""AlphaGo", and their battle was seen as a sports spectacle with national pride on the line. In the five tumultuous games that followed, Lee only won a single game, While "AlphaGo" took 4 wins home. 

This event sparked the "Age of AI", one where computers now have the same or perhaps more capacity to think as we do.  

  • What about privacy, pros and cons?
Privacy is a sacred thing. Our personal life, family matters and medical situations should not be open for everyone to gawk at. However, in this new age, corporations care little for our boundaries. According to them, our technology must be personalized to our lives, by every single detail. 

While this does mean that is easier to access certain products and information, the word "uncomfortable" doesn't even begin to describe how people should feel about being stalked by strangers on the other sides of our screens.
  • What about national security?
National security seems to be at the head of it all. We are being monitored for "safety" and "protection". In their eyes, AI is the future for all security, as it will be more advanced than us as time moves on.

  • What about online security and identity theft?
This is one of the biggest problems to come out of the "Age of AI". Face-tracking technology has evolved at an alarming rate, so much so that all it takes to identify people is a one second scan. We have no idea how long until our privacy will be taken, but the anticipation is killing us

It all ties back to Go, where more than 4000 moves can be made in the game. While we know for sure that AI will continue to evolve, how it will evolve is a move that we must wait for.

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