Monday, September 12, 2022


BLOG POST #3 — Write a post based on the directions above. This is a KEY POST of at least 500 words. Be sure to think about hallmarks of a good blog post — links to sources, visuals, point of view. Be expressive and share your thoughts! Make this one special!

Speech is what makes us. It defines who we are, what we believe in and how we go about life on a daily basis. We should be proud of what we stand for, and be able to share our beliefs with those we love and cherish. Thus, we share our ideals though what we call "Values of Free Expression". All eight go over a different form of communication, each created to satisfy a specific niche in society. Some speak more to some than others, and there are good reasons as to why 

With that, I believe that the most important Value of Free Expression is  Individual Self-Fulfillment. In a world filled with constant drama and chaos, it's very likely that you haven't been concerned about yourself while you fear for everyone else. Your health, physical and mental, is crucial and should never be easily neglected. We should be free to "express ourselves and thereby create our own identity." Every person has their whole life to live, so we should all get the chance to live it to the fullest.

    After looking through all of the Values of Free Expressions, I realized that there was one that resonated with me more than the others. That one being the Marketplace of ideas. It states that "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. And the grappling makes the truth even stronger." Truth is a very important concept for me, and for the world. I have always tries to be honest with others, but in the past, I could never find it in me to be honest with myself. I would lie and think of ways to get out of some sticky situations. But I realized that while the consequences would hurt, it's almost like ripping off a band aid. It is better to get rid of it now than hang on to it forever like extra baggage.

    With the recent controversy over the Supreme Court's ruling of Roe V. Wade, people quickly took to the streets to protest against their decision. This isn't the fist time this has happened. If you look back on our history, you'll see countless protests over laws established by the government. It's important that the voice of the people is heard, so that our leaders may, in return, give us a safer and better place to live. This is why I believe that The Value of Free Expression that is most popular today is Freedom of Speech. With everything that has been happening recently, it's important that people can express their beliefs and points of view. It's imperative that we all know that while our lives matter, so do others. Congress doesn't just affect us as a singularity, but our entire population as a whole. With all of our voices, change is possible.

All of us have aspirations and dreams, and we simply can't achieve that if we are chained down by society's expectations. It is vital that our voice is clearly heard, so that we can change these rules and pave the way to the future that we want. 

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