Sunday, September 11, 2022


BLOG POST #1  Tell us about your TOP FIVE SOURCES OF NEWS AND INFORMATION. Link to them so we can check them out. Write ONE PARAGRAPH for EACH ONE telling us why you like them and why you would recommend them to us.

#1: NBC / NBC Nightly News: Being my most watched source of information, NBC delivers news with both the casters opinions and thoughts from professionals. The scriptwriting keeps the viewer calm, no matter how pressing the topic, and always updates immediately if there is a new break in a case.

#2: Youtube: Most people prefer to watch their news than listen to it over a radio or read the newspaper. Luckily, there is a site which not only alerts others to issues, but allows others to post their responses and express their thoughts. 

#3: TED Talks: These professionals have so much knowledge on their specific subjects and are lowkey very entertaining to listen to. They can lecture about their topic forever, so you can be sure that they know what they are talking about. Some even have a high amount of energy and motivation, boosting up the morale of the audience and listeners.

#4: New York Times: This site is updated constantly, with breaking news and daily features. While some may not see the importance is small articles that do not cover big stories, I find it both interesting and relaxing to see people cover these topics. It appeals to a small group of people, but actually takes in more than you would imagine.

#5: Apple News: With new iPhones rolling around, Apple has included a news feature. It automatically notifies owners of major events or articles that may be of interest to them. It's a great way to keep the public notified of what is happening.

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