Sunday, September 25, 2022


The reason we don’t hear about anti-war stories in the mainstream news is because the mainstream stations, as all stations have their own agenda, focus only on news that  will attract their audiences, and pay for advertisements. My dad reminds me often that the popular national media and all media generally will report the stories they believe in, and not necessarily the news or facts.  He tells me It is better to listen to various channels to get an opinion from all sides so I can decide on my own and make more informed decisions.

For example, recently my cousin returned from a ten-month Naval deployment in the middle east, which, according to my Aunt, was the 3rd longest deployment in Naval history.  His location was top secret, and my Aunt could only communicate with him sporadically via email. I did not realize my cousin was deployed this long, as probably most Americans did not as well.  

This is probably true for the thousands of other American soldiers that are deployed around the world. Since there is no direct US-based military conflict in the press every day, and most Americans get their news from mainstream media, and if the mainstream media isn’t reporting these stories, there is no basis for anti-war feelings from most Americans.

Just take a look at the stories on the Antiwar page today. Like the American Conservative site, this too has a very conservative perspective. 

Kremlin: New Territory will be Treated as Russia

Whitehouse sent multiple threats to the Kremlin Via Backchannel

USAF General: Killing the Enemy Makes Life Better

Iran protests turn violent. Counter Rallies Surge

Saudi Lobbyist Oversees Millions in GOP Donations

South Korean President Calls US Legislators 'F**kers

All these stories are focused on military issues or potential conflicts such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and South Korea,

Now compare this to MSNBC, a more liberal news source:

DeSantis flunks American history test with nonsensical slavery rant

Why Trump’s latest weird rhetoric about Obama matters

The truth Stacey Abrams told about early pregnancy is being called an 'outright lie.'

Nearly half a million Canadians without power as Fiona makes landfall

What Republicans are threatening to do if they retake the House in November

Not a single story about War, Russia or Iran. These stories are focused on mainly politics and overall anti-republican views.

On the same hand looking at Fox News, a more conservative news station, and like MSNBC, much more popular than the Antiwar and American Conservative sites. There headlines today are:

Dem rips into president as key group of voters turns toward GOP, admits Trump had 'compelling' message

Neighbor who sat with man before he allegedly killed 'Republican' teen speaks

Meghan Markle allegedly threatened to dump Harry if he didn't issue statement

North Korea fires missile into sea as US aircraft carrier arrives in region


Most of their headlines are anti-democratic party focused, and of course pro-republican party focused. They do offer one story regarding North Korea missile testing. The only war story of these two popular news outlets. And again this is not a conflict directly related to Americans today, so not top of mind to Americans.

This is another reason that there are not as many anti-war concerns in the public.  Today, Americans are more concerned about inflation, the stock market and their own cost of living. These issues impact them more directly, than where our soldiers are currently deployed.

While I, and likely most Americans, are anti-war in regards to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it seems more Russians are anti-war because, understandably, they are currently and directly involved in the most reported war at this time.


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